Waiswa John Billy writes: "Youth in Act-Uganda is a Non-Profit Organization that addresses the needs of orphans and needy children, empowers youth and women and reaches out to needy communities, since 2012, founded with the major aim of “uplifting the young generation.”
Our Strategic Plan 2023-2028 can be found on the website at:
With several interrelated programs focused on children, youth and women, we seek to contribute to the creation of resilient and self-reliant communities by placing people at the forefront of change. We empower marginalized people by providing practical skills for livelihoods. Our Food Forest Certification Program puts food self-reliance first--at a time when northern Uganda's semi-arid region is struggling with famine.
The organization has registered steady progress and positively impacts the community, youth, women and children.
Youth in Act-Uganda cares for 35 orphans at its Children’s Home and has impacted over 3000 lives in the community.
We are $3000 away from being able to purchase 10 acres with 60 beehives where we plan to expand our orphanage from 35 to 100 children and grow our Extinct Tree Hub, a nursery to revive native African fruit and nut trees.
We invite individuals, organizations, movements, governments, churches and ministries to support the work of Youth in Act-Uganda."
Snake River Music Gardens supports Youth in Act-Uganda through our 100 Families Campaign. The formula is 100 Families = 1 orphanage. Thus far we are 41 families. Join us! We support Youth in Act-Uganda's gardening, beekeeping and music programs to teach youth practical skills to develop livelihoods. To donate, visit Snake River Music Gardens Donate page.

Orphanage director Waiswa John Billy and Ugandan musician Kashagga Grace have agreed to start a music program at the orphanage.
The music program needs musical instruments. Kashagga Grace provided a list:
Lamellophones, quantity 6, $236.07 (These are African thumb pianos. See picture below)
Flutes, quantity 6, $236.07
Xylophone, quantity 1, $163.93
Guitar, quantity 1, $229.51
Drums, quantity 5, $327.87
Piano/Keyboard, quantity 1, $491.80
Trumpet, quantity 1, $196.72
Saxophone, quantity 1, $590.16
TOTAL $2,472.13
This project is do-able if 10 donors contribute $25/month for 10 months.
Below is a picture of an African thumb piano. To hear what this amazing little instrument can do, visit