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Welcome to Music Garden Press!
We publish sheet music, recorded music, historical fiction and non-fiction.
Understanding Music; A Fun Way to Learn Music Theory for Music Students of All Ages, by Lindianne Sarno. 70 pages in 3 ring binder, $20 plus shipping.
The Truth about GMO Foods by Lindianne Sarno. Booklet, 16 pages.
Snake River Music Gardens reprints this public health booklet as a community service. Since the year 2000 genetically modified foods saturated the American food supply, and American hospitals filled with new & unexplained ailments. This practical booklet includes: why GMO foods can't support life, recognize symptoms of GMO poisoning, GMO's are deadly, what species are genetically modified, what foods to purchase to reverse GM food poisoning.
Booklets, $5 each, discounts available for churches and schools.
Historical Fiction:
Greensleeves, An Historical Novel of the First Irish Diaspora, by Lindianne Sarno
Softcover Book, 463 pages. $30 plus shipping.
Spirit triumphs in the face of tragedy. Ireland is overrun by English invaders, Henry VIII's cruel edicts intended to destroy Irish culture. Now his daughter Elizabeth send spies and soldiers to install alien rulers who bleed Ireland's resources while provoking the clans to fight over the leavings. In these hopeless circumstances an Irish noble girl receives a vision from Saint Brigid--a beautiful melody. Sworn to preserve Gaelic culture, Caitlin Ni Conor travels Europe as a troubadour in exile, secretly serving the Irish resistance. Allied with a Scots warrior battling the English, Kate midwifes the creation of the most haunting and romantic of Renaissance ballads, Greensleeves.
Sheet Music: Variations on Greensleeves. Piano, 12 pages, 7 minute intermediate arrangement of Greensleeves includes Celtic, Bach, jazz ballad, uptempo jazz and waltz variations on Greensleeves, suitable for recital or Christmas offertory. $7.50
Recorded Music:
American Man - Freedom Songs from the Peace Line (CD) Vocals, guitar, piano, bass, & fiddle. $10
Arctic Child Suite - Lindianne at the Piano (CD). Composed for PBS documentary Rewilding Kernwood. $10