Profiles in Self-Reliance

Thank you for your patience as we post these profiles.


Joseph Mulopi - Waiswa John Billy - Philly Mugweri - Juliet Mpande - John Manyi - Julius Gumisiriza - Simon Tumwijukye - Patrick Arinitwe - Niwamanya Onesmas - Andrew Gumpi - Owen Atwebembire - Agaba Josephat

Self-Reliance Profile:  Patrick Arinitwe, Fruit Farmer


Patrick Arinitwe is a fruit farmer in Uganda who is passionate about agriculture, community empowerment and food security. He started to involve himself in farming in 2020 during the COVID lockdown.  Working with a local landowner, he began a new chapter for his community by planting vines and fruit trees that include passion fruit and pomelo, also growing food crops including cassava, pumpkin, and a variety of vegetables that range from amaranth and cabbage to spinach (collards).

Patrick hopes to improve and promote food security in various communities of Uganda by collaborating with local farmers, acquiring and sharing basic knowledge about better farming techniques, and designing solutions to uplift marginalized communities by putting local agriculture at the centre of economy and food security with programs like village savings and loan and farmer field trainings.  Patrick is pursuing  a  Bachelor of Business Administration  at  Kyambogo University-Kampala  and seeks a sponsor for his education.  Patrick hopes to take Oregon State University's online Permaculture Design Course with Andrew Millison and seeks a sponsor for this important training.

Self-Reliance Profile:  Juliet Mpande, Farming God's Way


My name is Mpande Juliet, and I am a dedicated single mother to my vibrant 2-year-old daughter, Skye. Overcoming past adversities with resilience, I found profound support from kind souls like Lindiane Sappington, who embraced me as her spiritual sister in 2022.  I am passionate about environmental conservation and sustainable agriculture.  I implement Farming God's Way, a faith-based farming method, to promote ecological balance, save moisture, and conserve soil by covering all soils with mulch.  As a proactive member of the Youth in Act - Uganda Food Forest program, I strive to address food insecurity in our community.  Through collaborating with Snake River Music Gardens and Savannah Rose Rescue Home, I am committed to creating a lasting positive impact.  I am deeply grateful to Lindiane and Arthur Sappington for their steadfast support, which empowers me to pursue my dreams and projects with confidence.

Self reliance profile:  Julius and Cossy Gumisiriza


Julius and Cossy Gumisiriza are dedicated to caring for widows and orphans in western Uganda.

Julius leads Youth in Act – Uganda’s food forest program in western Uganda.  For more information on the food forest program, visit the page Uganda Food Forest Program on Snake River Music Gardens website.

Julius Gumisiriza authored the book "Great Adventures in Uganda's Fifth Epochal Revelation and Food Forest Program," sharing insights from his life’s work and spiritual journey.  Available  on Amazon

In addition to providing shelter and support to widows and orphans, Julius actively spreads the teachings of the Fifth Epochal Revelation and leads two Urantia study groups in Uganda.  A student of Accounting and Business Administration at Uganda Christian University, Julius balances his education with extensive community service.

Julius and Cossy are blessed with their first child, Happy Shine.  Thus Julius founded the Happy Shine Foundation - World Gospel Ministries Uganda, which you can learn more about on their ministry website


Visit Julius’ profile at

John Manyi: Farming God's Way


Manyi John is a devoted husband and father, deeply immersed in sustainable agriculture and environmental protection. As an instructor in Farming God's Way, he advocates for a faith-based approach that emphasizes harmony between productivity and environmental conservation. Simultaneously, he takes pride in serving at Savannah Rose Rescue Home, nurturing and caring for 13 incredible children. Living in Bulamagi Sub County, Iganga District, Uganda, he is also a fully committed member enacting the Food Forest program, despite facing challenges such as securing adequate funding and resources for land, seedlings, tools, and other necessities. Despite these hurdles, he is incredibly grateful for the tireless efforts of Lindiane and Arthur Sappington in driving forward the Food Forest program.  To visit Savannah Rose Rescue Home, click on

Profile in Self-Reliance: Educator Andrew Gumpi and the Fifth Epochal Revelation Integrated Community School and Orphanage                                                            


Andrew Gumpi writes "Our school/orphanage recently had a school management committee meeting to discuss the fate of the project, as our rent contract is expiring in July 2024. We resolved to renew our rent contract until 2025, but we need to raise approximately $500 to do so.

Additionally, we plan to establish temporary structures on our land to secure our settlement.

We also  invite all our students who have reached the secondary school level to explore the business community and gain valuable life skills and career guidance.  Learners were grouped into 10 groups of 5 according to their interests of business: others were taken to a bakery company, cosmetics shop, whole sale shop, banana selling business (see photo above), chapati business, garment selling business, among others.

I am thrilled to inform you that with the help of sister Monica we have successfully established a brick making project earning about $90 per quarter, and food farming projects at the school.



FER School photo 2


These projects have not only generated income but also provided food for the orphanage.  We recently established a forest of 10,000 euculyptus trees aimed at establishing a sustainable source of income for the school, FER Ascenders Fellowship Community Kaliro Uganda  and Orphanage in the near future to

- Generate income to support the school's operations

- Provide food for the children and staff

- Pay workers' wages

We are grateful for your support and encouragement, which has helped us achieve this milestone.

Feel free to give a hand with what you can afford.

We look forward to sharing more updates with you soon.

Peace and blessings,

Andrew Cohen Gumpi
C.E.O FER Ascenders Urantia Book Fellowship Community Kaliro &FER Integrated Community School and Orphanage

Peace and Love

Agaba Josephat: Dedication to Family and Community


Agaba Josephat, 22, from Kitagwenda district, Uganda, was born in 2002.  After the sudden disappearance of his parents, he became primary caregiver for his seven siblings, working as a compound cleaner while balancing his studies and supporting his siblings’ education and primary needs, despite numerous challenges, including losing their home.

Josephat’s dedication extends to his community where he brought together community elders to translate sections of the Uganda Constitution.  With the financial support of Snake River Music Gardens, community elders, Josephat and his friend Atwebembire Owen have translated sections of the Uganda Constitution into their local language of Runyankore.  This project improves accessibility for those who may not be fluent in English, ensuring that more people can understand the constitution. Translation demystifies the content, making it easier for citizens to grasp their rights and responsibilities.  The community has learned that the Uganda Constitution guarantees every child free access to basic education and mandates the government to make education accessible and equitable for all citizens, aiming to promote equal opportunities and high educational standards for everyone in the country.  Currently Ugandans must pay for primary education—a hardship for many families.

Showing remarkable resilience, Josephat is currently at the university studying for a Bachelor of Business Administration with the support of Snake River Music Gardens.  He has developed his talent for singing through active participation in conferences and fellowships.  With Owen Atwebembire, he performs a song called Jesus is My Hero.