Snake River Music Gardens is a non-political, non-denominational domestic non-profit.

We serve rural families and communities and the farmers, ranchers, gardeners and miners at the heart of the economy.  We aim to educate rural and urban populations about the value of rural producers to urban consumers.

Arthur at Recovering Burn
playingviolin for preschool

Arthur Sappington, President

Born Albany, Oregon 2/27/1951. UN Science Conference 1969, US Coast Guard 1969-1974. College 1974-1978, Graduated from Berkeley College of Natural Resources, 1978, independent major, Political Economy of Natural Resources.  Oregon State Forestry 1978, Bohemia Lumber Co. 1978-1984, self-employed 1984-2016. Retired, became sick, service-related brain tumor operated Feb. 2018, recovery under way. In 2021 co-founded, with Lindianne Sarno, Snake River Music Gardens.
Self-employment included on-ground development and testing of environmental concepts of watershed management, prescription burns, agri-silvi-pastoral cultural environment, keyline water-harvesting systems, and the testing of college-developed computer modeling systems (GPS) of the environmental world.  Involved with Oregon Tilth, dairy farming & ranching, gardening, agriforestry, logging, fire ecology, range restoration, prescribed burns, mining and mining law, engineering, honeybees and native pollinators, stream and irrigation diversions and restoration.


Lindianne Sarno Sappington,

Executive Director

Born New York City 1952.  Graduate of Princeton University, 1976, AB history.  Music educator in piano, violin, viola, guitar, ukulele, mandolin.  Performer.  Songwriter.  Church musician.  Music arranger.  Composer for the Alaskan documentary films of Jean Aspen.  Choir director, Baker Community Choir. Author.  Administrator.  Editor.  Hands-on experience in vegetable and fruit gardening, whole grain baking, poultry, composting, knitting, crocheting, embroidering, fiber arts design, Italian family cooking, use of herbs for health and culinary purposes.


BestWedding Photo

The Sappingtons married on February 27, 2023 at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, Baker City, Oregon.