In Spring, 2025, we are focusing on the Orphan Opportunity.  Visit the Foundation for Orphans, to learn about the work of Wayne Lavender, founder.  Coming soon: our power point presentation on the Orphan Opportunity.


Schooltime at His Grace Children's Home

His Grace Children's Home teaches young students.  The children value literacy and work diligently.


World famed musician Pato Banton visits Muga Child Outreach, providing an uplifting experience!


Patrick Arinitwe locates and propagates native African fruit trees

Art Sappington's essays on natural resources production are available on the Newsletter page of this website.  Know the law of natural resources production if you want America's economy to grow!

Welcome to Snake River Music Gardens            Summer, 2024              

In May, 2024 we journeyed to speak on behalf of farmers and ranchers at Princeton University in a Conservative Princeton Association panel discussion. Below is a video of our  presentation.

Snake River Music Gardens is an educational 501(c)3 public benefit organization.

We are rural, spiritual, agricultural, non-political and non-denominational.

Our equation is Natural Resources plus Culture equals Economy.

Art Sappington's life work is watershed management.  We are on the ground in two watersheds:

USA - Pacific Northwest - Snake River Watershed

Uganda, Africa - Lake Victoria Watershed

Authors Joseph Mulopi and Waiswa John Billy

Teaching Garden at 5th & D, Baker County             Waiswa John Billy & Joseph Mulopi

Map of Snake River Watershd

Map of the Snake River Watershed